Are you looking for end to end vaccination program management?

It's Easy with EzyVax

Our vaccination software suite caters to all touch points of the entire vaccination process. All programs and data is created, administered and managed from 4 integrated applications which are specifically designed for each step of the process.

Efficiently streamline operations with our end-to-end comprehensive software suite;

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  • Schedule locations, dates and times
  • Assign practitioners
  • Distribute invites using email or QR codes
  • Offer appointments or vouchers
  • Automate confirmations, reminders and cancellations
  • Manage bookings and calendars
  • Pre-collect vaccination checklists
  • Record vaccinations
  • Submit vaccinations live to the AIR
  • View live reporting

How does it work?

Step 1 - Create and manage your programs

Vaccination service providers use the EzyVax Admin Hub to:

  • Create and manage clients including
    •  assigning program contacts
    • adding/editing locations/sites
  • Create vaccination programs
  • Manage vaccines
  • Manage AIR (Australian Immunisation Registry) interactions
  • Export offline backups
  • Generate reports

Step 2 - Distribute the booking link

Our EzyVax software generates a unique booking code for each vaccination program which can be distributed as a public or private invite. Your client then distributes the code amongst participants, some popular methods for this include; 

  • Email invitation with the booking code embedded
  • QR Code (EzyVax Admin Hub generates this for you)
  • Intranet 

Booking links can be published or unpublished at the administrators discretion.

Step 3 - Booking takes place

Participants follow the booking link where they:

  • Accept your organisations privacy and booking policy
  • Create their profile or confirm their existing profile
  • Book based on available locations, dates and times
  • Complete a vaccination screening questionnaire
The entire booking process takes less that 2 minutes.

Book Me includes the ability to send email and SMS notifications for the booking confirmations, booking reminders, booking updates, booking waitlists and booking cancellations.

Step 4 - Run the program

Health Providers access the EzyVax Provider Hub application to administer the event. Providers access is limited to programs which they are assigned to where they can;

  • View notes from the admin team
  • Accept walk ins
  • Confirm and edit participant details
  • Review and accept screening questionnaire results
  • Record the vaccination

Vaccination records are automatically uploaded to the AIR (Australian Immunisation Registry). The entire process per vaccination takes less than 60 seconds.

Step 5 - Live client reporting

At any stage of the process admin users can grant access for clients to the Live Reporter application where they can:

  •  View booking progress
  • Add/edit and delete bookings
  • View live vaccination progress
  • Export reports

Assign user specific roles with your organisation to allocate and coordinate resources via the live management hub

Simultaneously administer multiple programs, across multiple sites using multiple providers and in multiple time zones

Reduce admin time, accelerate data collection and streamline all processes with one management system

Manage vaccine batches including cold chain and gain instant access to employee immunisation data

Watch the video for an overview of our Vaccination Programs software!